The Founder

Foto saya
hi i'm Fiera, 17 years old (2013) . I love to watch Hannah Montana on Disney , that's why i called myself Fiera Montana.

Jumaat, 26 Ogos 2011

Pertandingan Mencipta Video Merdeka 2011 #2

the crews =

fatin , farahida , farrah

scarf from oldblossombox / maxi from shop.sptnkswthrt / unbranded t-shirt

baju basic long sleeve maxi in black tu fiera beli from kak ami (online), so happy dapat baju tu coz it's limited, wheeee
then,fiera kenakan baju tu dengan t-shirt biasa so nampak macam casual .yeep
memang selesa babe .....

Pertandingan Mencipta Video Merdeka 2011

heiyo! hari ni fiera nak bercerita tentang satu pertandingan video ni , fiera group dengan farrah,farahida dan fatin..., kitaorang nak masuk pertandingan ni untuk suka-suka, tapi harap-harap menang la, beribu-ribu woo yang kitaorang buat masih dalam proses.just wait n see ya

ni kisahnya=

Pertandingan Mencipta Video Merdeka merupakan satu pertandingan kandungan terbitan tempatan terbaik. Kandungan yang disertakan untuk pertandingan ini adalah dalam bentuk dokumentari, sketsa pendek, iklan atau mesej khidmat awam. Tema bagi pertandingan ini adalah “ICT dan Kemerdekaan”

Pertandingan ini adalah terbuka kepada kesemua pelajar sekolah menengah di seluruh Malaysia. Jangka masa (durasi) bagi setiap penyertaan adalah di antara 3 – 5 minit dan pada umumnya bertemakan kemerdekaan dan kemajuan ICT dengan membawa mesej semangat 1Malaysia.

Objektif bagi pertandingan ini adalah seperti berikut:
 1.Memupuk minat dan kreativiti di kalangan remaja Malaysia dalam mempromosi
    perpaduan dan semangat 1Malaysia melalui ICT (cth: penciptaan video);
2.Mencetus keterujaan dikalangan remaja Malaysia terhadap potensi dan peluang dalam
    industri kandungan kreatif;
3.Mendidik para pelajar tentang semangat patriotik dan menghargai sumbangan
    kemerdekaan terhadap kemajuan Negara

Durasi Penyertaan : 3-5 Minit
Tarikh Penyertaan :  1 Ogos 2011
Tarikh Tutup Penyertaan: 7 September 2011

A.  Maklumat Peraduan:
     1. Pertandingan Mencipta Video adalah inisiatif dari Kementerian Penerangan,
         Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan dan Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia
         Malaysia dengan kerjasama Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia
Pertandingan ini dibuka dari 1 Ogos 2011 hingga 7 September 2011.
     3. Tema bagi produksi adalah ICT DAN KEMERDEKAAN dan mestilah
B.  Kelayakan Pertandingan
1. Pertandingan Mencipta Video Merdeka ini terbuka kepada para pelajar sekolah
         menengah di seluruh Malaysia
Pelajar yang ingin menyertai mestilah warganegara Malaysia

C.  Terma dan syarat pertandingan
1. Penyertaan adalah secara berkumpulan dan setiap kumpulan hendaklah terdiri
          daripada empat (4) orang pelajar.
Penyertaan mesti dihantar selewat-lewatnya pada 7 September 2011 kepada
          Sekretariat Pertandingan seperti yang dinyatakan di bawah. Penyertaan yang lewat
          daripada tarikh tutup tidak akan diterima.
      3. Penyertaan hendaklah diantara 3-5 minit.      4. Penyertaan boleh dihantar dalam bentuk dokumentari, sketsa pendek, iklan atau
          mesej khidmat awam.
Penyertaan hendaklah memaparkan nilai-nilai murni masyarakat Malaysia dan
          tidak menyinggung mana-mana pihak.
Produksi mestilah karya asal pemohon dan tidak pernah menyertai di dalam mana-
          mana festivel filem/video peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa.
Setiap kumpulan boleh menghantar seberapa banyak penyertaan.
Penyertaan adalah percuma.
Bukti penghantaran tidak dianggap bukti penerimaan. Surat pengesahan rasmi
akan dikeluarkan oleh Sekretariat Pertandingan Mencipta Video
          Merdeka kepada pihak Sekolah.
Sekretariat berhak menolak penyertaan yang tidak lengkap.
Salinan DVD dan bahan-bahan lain yang diterima tidak akan dikembalikan.
Penyertaan akan dibatalkan sekiranya didapati hasil karya yang dikemukakan tidak
Kemenangan peserta akan dibatalkan dan hadiah-hadiah yang diterima akan ditarik
          balik sekiranya hasil karya tidak asli/diciplak.
Keputusan Panel Juri adalah muktamad. Sebarang surat menyurat tidak akan  
Hakcipta produksi adalah hakmilik peserta. Peserta mestilah membenarkan
          Sekretariat Pertandingan Mencipta Video Merdeka menggunakan produksi tersebut
          bagi tujuan promosi dan siaran sebelum, semasa dan selepas pertandingan.
Peserta juga mestilah membenarkan suntingan dibuat terhadap video penyertaan bagi
          tujuan penyiaran.
Penganjur tidak akan bertanggungjawab terhadap apa jua bentuk tuntutan berkaitan
          dengan produksi terhadap peserta oleh mana-mana pihak yang berkenaan.
Borang Penyertaan hendaklah disertakan dengan:
           a. Biodata peserta
           b. 2 salinan DVD produksi yang telah dilabel (lihat contoh seperti di borang penyertaan)
           c. Perakuan dari pihak Sekolah
           d. Perakuan penyertaan adalah kerja asli
Penyertaan perlu dihantar melalui perkhidmatan pos atau kurier ke alamat 

           Sekretariat Pertandingan Mencipta Video Merdeka
           Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia
           63000 Cyberjaya
           Selangor Darul Ehsan


     Hadiah tempat pertama  :   RM5,000 untuk setiap kumpulan beserta Ipad2, Piala dan sijil
                                             penyertaan setiap seorang
     Hadiah tempat kedua      :   RM3,000 untuk setiap kumpulan beserta iPhone4, Piala dan    
                                             sijil penyertaan setiap seorang
     Hadiah tempat ketiga      :   RM2,000 untuk setiap kumpulan beserta kamera digital, Piala 
                                             dan sijil penyertaan untuk setiap seorang
Hadiah saguhati X 7        :   RM500 untuk setiap kumpulan beserta sijil penyertaan
                                              untuk setiap seorang 

will update the pictures and video later :)

Lagu-lagu Raya

salam, pada hari ni, fiera nak ucapkan "selamat hari raya,maaf zahir dan batin " kepada semua orang,jadi sempena nak dekat raya ni, mari kita perdengarkan lagu-lagu raya yang best:)


ideal sisters - hari raya hari bahagia

anuar dan ellina - suasana hari raya

saloma - selamat hari raya

rahimah rahim- selamat berhari raya

ahmad jais- selamat hari raya

ramlah ram- selamat hari lebaran

dj dave - menjelang hari raya

uji rashid dan hail amir- seloka hari raya

othman hamzah - gembira bersama di hari raya

mamat exists- ku pohon restu ayah bonda

sudirman- balik kampung

sebenarnya banyak lagi lagu-lagu raya kat malaysia ni, semuanya sedap didengar,fiera harap semuanya bergembira ketika berhari raya.ingat! rancang perjalanan anda sebelum pulang ke kampung . kalau rasa mengantuk, berhentilah di mana-mana perhentian yang ada di tepi highway , " ingatlah orang yang tersayang ." . apa-apa pun, jangan lupa bagi fiera duit raya banyak sikit ye.tehehehe.

dan , fiera juga ingin mengucapkan " selamat menyambut kari kemerdekaan ke 54 "

Setiap tahun Negara kita, Malaysia akan menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan pada setiap 31hb ogos. Namun pada tahun ini Sambutan Hari kemerdekaan ke 54 pada tahun 2011 akan ditunda ke tarikh 16hb September dimana ianya akan diadakan serentak dengan Hari Malaysia.
Menurut sumber dari Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan, Ianya adalah disebabkan tarikh kemerdekaan pada tahun ini jatuh pada penghujung Ramadan.
Lokasi sambutan hari Kemerdekaan ke 54 pada tahun ini belum lagi ditetapkan tetapi berkemungkinan akan diadakan di Dataran merdeka.
Tema Hari Kemerdekaan ke 54 tahun 2011 adalah:

“1Malaysia : Transformasi Berjaya, Rakyat Sejahtera”

(Tema Hari kemerdekaan ke 53 pada tahun lalu ialah “1 Malaysia Menjana Transformasi”)

" selamat menyambut hari raya dan hari kemerdekaan "
ikhlas dari fiera dan keluarga...

Isnin, 22 Ogos 2011

Stop SPS( skinny pants syndrom )

SPS bermaksud skinny pants syndrom...alah,skinny jeans la....ramai remaja zaman sekarang suka pakai skinny jeans even seluar sekolah pun diorang outer kecikkan bahagian bawah....,kalau selesa dipakai takpe, ni ada yang fiera tengok jalan terkengkeang-kengkang....fiera dapat ilham nak buat topik ni dari cerita "Sonny with a chance"....dalam episod stop sps, dia mengisahkan tentang Tawni, yang jual skinny jeans...yeah memang orang yang memakainya nampak cool but akhirnya kaki kebas...semuanya masuk hospital, rasanya sebab darah tak lalu....

cuba dengar lagu kat bawah....=

whouishh , ketat dia tahap apa ni,silap-silap tengah syok jalan-jalan, terus kena masuk hospital
sebab darah tak lalu,

kan afdal pakai seluar macam ni, tehehe "biar besar, asal selamat"

A Walk To Remember

trailer a walk to remember =


When a prank on a fellow high-school student goes wrong, popular but rebellious Landon Carter (Shane West) is threatened with expulsion. His punishment is mandatory participation in various after-school activities, such as tutoring disadvantaged children and performing in the drama club's spring musical. At these functions he is forced to interact with quiet, bookish Jamie Sullivan (Mandy Moore), a girl he has known for many years but to whom he has rarely ever spoken. Their differing social statures leave them worlds apart, despite their close physical proximity.

When Landon has trouble learning his lines, he asks Jamie for help. She agrees to help him if he promises not to fall in love with her. Landon laughs off the strange remark, believing Jamie to be the last person with whom he would ever fall in love. After all, Landon has access to the prettiest and most popular girls in town; and between her shy demeanor and old-fashioned wardrobe, Jamie doesn't exactly fall into that category.

Landon and Jamie begin practicing together at her house after school. The two form a tentative friendship, and Landon learns that Jamie has a wish list of all the things she hopes to do in her life, such as getting a tattoo and being in two places at once. One day, Jamie approaches Landon at his locker, where he is hanging out with some of his friends. When Jamie asks Landon if they are still on for practice that afternoon he smirks "In your dreams". His friends laugh and Landon's smirk falters as Jamie's face fills with betrayal and embarrassment. That afternoon Landon arrives at Jamie's house, hoping that Jamie will still agree to help him. But she refuses to open the door. When she eventually does, she sarcastically remarks that they can be "secret friends". She slams the door in his face when he agrees. Landon eventually learns the script by himself.

During the play, Jamie astounds Landon and the entire audience with her beauty and voice. Landon kisses Jamie during the play, which was not in the script, and Landon tries to get close to Jamie, but she repeatedly rejects him. It is only after a mean joke played on Jamie by Landon's friends that Jamie agrees to get to know Landon after he punches out Dean and shuns Belinda (his friends who played the joke) and takes Jamie home. The two pursue a relationship. He takes her out to dinner and dances with her, something he never did for anyone else. When he discovers that Jamie has a wish list, he sets out to help her accomplish them. One memorable date had Landon taking Jamie to the state line. He excitedly positions her on the line in just the right way, and when Jamie asks him what he's doing he tells her "You're in two places at once". Her face lights up with joy, as she realizes that Landon set out to make her impossible dreams come true.

Jamie finally tells Landon that she has terminal leukemia and has stopped responding to treatments. Landon gets upset at first. Jamie tells him the reason why she didn't tell him because she was moving on with her life and using the time she left but then Landon happened and she fell in love with him. Jamie starts to break down as she says to Landon "I do not need a reason to be angry with God." and she flees.

Landon goes to his doctor father's house and asks him to help Jamie. His father freaks out a bit and says that he needs to examine Jamie and know her medical history before he could do anything. Landon leaves in a huff.

Landon and Jamie make up the next day. They hug and he tells her that he will be there for her. Soon, word gets out about Jamie's illness. Eric, Landon's best friend comes and tells him how sorry he is and that he didn't understand. Dean and Belinda both come and apologize.

Jamie's cancer gets worse and she collapses in her father's arms. He rushes her to the hospital where he meets Landon. Landon doesn't leave Jamie's side until her father practically has to pry him away. Jamie's father sits with Jamie and tells her that "If I've kept you too close, it's because I wanted to keep you longer." Jamie tells him that she loves him and her father breaks down.

The next day, Landon comes to the hospital and sees Jamie being wheeled out of there. He asks what's going on. Jamie asks him to thank his father for her. Landon asks Jamie's father what she means. He tells him that his father is going to pay for private homecare for Jamie. Landon is stunned. Late that night, Landon knocks on his father's front door. His father answers. Landon whispers "thank you." His father hugs him. With all the exhaustion and fear billowing over, Landon breaks down in tears in his dad's arms.

Landon continues to fulfill various wishes on Jamie's list, such as building her a telescope so she can see a comet. Through this process, Landon and Jamie learn more about the nature of love. The movie ends with Jamie's death, but only after the couple are married in the same chapel as was Jamie's deceased mother, the event that topped Jamie's wish list. Landon himself becomes a better person through Jamie's memory, achieving the goals that he set out to do, like she did.

Four years later, Landon visits Jamie's father. It is obvious that Jamie helped him to focus and become a better person. For example, he reveals he has finished college and been accepted to medical school; prior to meeting her he had no plans for life after high school. He tells Jamie's father that he is sorry he could not grant Jamie's wish to witness "a miracle" before she died. Her father says "She did. It was you".

source =

i said = 

it was a sad story .....seriously, i cried after watching this movie . ramai orang cakap cerita ni best, so Fiera try buka dekat youtube, the full movie of a walk to remember . cerita ni memang best .... korang try la tengok dekat youtube....sebenarnya dekat tv  pun ada, tapi fiera tak sempat nak tengok . mandy moore dalam cerita ni macam muka angelina jolie sikit kot. she is so cute.....hero dia shane west, tentu la hensem , mana ada penerbit nak masukkan pelakon yang tak bermuka komersial untuk berlakon.....tehehehehe....

  bahagian ni diorang tengah buat teater, sedap bebeno suara mandy moore ni rupanya ye.....start dari sini la si hero suka kat heroinnya,fiera bagi 3 star untuk cerita ni .....:)

Ahad, 21 Ogos 2011

Nuffnang Malaysia | Asia Pacific's First Blog Avertising Community

Assalamua'laikum and good evening.

Okay, Fiera had joined Nuffnang.

Okay, let's make it easy k.

As Fiera tahu, most of Bloggers know about this BAC (Blog Advertising Community), right?
Yeah, Fiera knew it since Fiera blogwalking. Whenever I opened a blog, they must keluar this one:

at the right top of the header
so,fiera pun cuba la search apa itu NUFFNANG?
then,Fiera pun jumpa dia punya web,=

 Fiera baca dia punya terms and NUFFNANG ni nampak macam best je
then Fiera pun sign up as blogger...
after that,isi lah soalan-soalan yang dia bagi

 Now,fiera dah pun sign up :)

you all mesti cuba dulu NUFFNANG ni,
kalau sesiapa memang dah power pasal benda ni semua
tunjuk ajar kat fiera ye....

that's the end of this story
peace yaw!!!!

10 Days To Describe

After blogwalking, Fiera dropped by at a blog.

Just wondering if there is a point from blogwalking, so Fiera pon cubalah and yeah, memang dapat satu point yang amat bagus untuk kesihatan....... guess what? ah come on, only eight words!
Fill in the blank ok! =_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 The answer is....= B E R P E L U H
 Yup! memang good for our own health!

You know what my sister said to me when i type the starting?
 Kinda awkward atmosphere for awhile 'cause i didn't get what her means...
"Kau punye starting tuh panjang (that's good) but non-related!"
Da da da whatever/...
So, apa yang Fiera dapat from this blog is,

*The story continues:
Fiera then take a time to think about this.
And yes! I got an idea that clearly i stole from
this post.

I decided to make a one with my own version (i don't know act. what's the real version)
that 80% relate with fashion. 'EXCITING'!


So, that's the end of the story babeh! Let's wait for the next episodes!

Sabtu, 20 Ogos 2011

Senario Ops Pocot

 Filem komedi senario mengisahkan tentang 3 lelaki yang berlainan. Masing-masing mempunyai karakter yang pasif dan sentiasa ditindas oleh orang sekeliling mereka. Azli seorang pemuda yang masih bujang dan bekerja sebagai pengawal keselamatan di sebuah pasaraya . Azli seorang yang mudah penat dan mudah tertidur dalam apa keadaan sekalipun. Mazlan seorang pemuda yang penakut dan bekerja di sebuah syarikat swasta. Beliau selalu dibuli oleh rakan sekerjanya .Wahid pula seorang yang pendiam dan bekerja di sebuah agensi membekalkan pekerja-pekerja asing. Sikap mereka itu membuatkan ketua mereka mengambil langkah memasukkan mereka ke kem motivasi yang dikendalikan oleh Ikatan Relawan Malaysia (RELA). Tujuan utama adalah untuk mengubah cara hidup masing-masing.

sources =

I said =

Cerita ni memang lawak gila , mula-mula start lagi dah lawak..... Kamal Adli and Diana Amir pun berlakon dalam cerita ni tapi dalam cerita ni bagi Fiera diorang tak berapa menyerlah sangat la, memang lah dah hero dia tiga-tiga abang lawak kita from Senario ( Azli, Wahid, Lan Pet Pet)
Dengan adanya MR. Os ..,fuhhhh cerita ni bertambah lawak la...
hahahaha :D lawak dia tu sampai Fiera nak tulis entri ni pun masih ketawa teringatkan lawak-lawak dalam cerita ni .....

Trailer =

                                                                 THE END
                                                               PEACE YAW!!! :)

Breaking Fast at Hotel Nilai Spring

let the pictures tell the stories

Kamil is the sailor man

Reject Shop jeans / Flora Cardigan / unbranded shoes / polka dot handbag

Breaking Fast at Pizza Hut

breaking fast at Pizza Hut , Terminal One Seremban :)=
memang best coz lepas tu we had some Raya shopping tehehehe :)

reject shop jeans / polka dot half top / pashmina levi's belt

amy,ayah and kamil

H&M top / unbranded maxi skirt

emm!! yum yum, sedapnya makanan-makanan kat atas
wah!!!!nak pergi makan pizza lagi lah
ada sesiapa nak belanja?

Jumaat, 19 Ogos 2011

Girls Generation and The Scarflets


    girl's generation member's=

  •          Taeyeon
  •          Jessica
  •          Tiffany
  •          Sooyoung
  •          Hyoyeon
  •          Seohyun
  •          Sunny
  •          Yuri
  •          Yoona      
some of their videos=

ni la group from Korea yang fiera suka...girls generation!!


the scarflets members=

i like the scarflets because semuanya stylish and superb.... fiera suka tengok cara diorang berpakaian n bergaya.hopefully one day nanti fiera dapat join group ni...tehehehe:).....tak percaya cuba click dekat nama-nama the scarflet's kat atas:)

Cowboy VS Alien


                                                              trailer cowboy vs alien =

In 1873, New Mexico Territory, an unnamed loner (Daniel Craig) awakens in the desert injured, with no memory, and a strange metal band shackled to his wrist. He wanders into the small town of Absolution, where the local preacher, Meacham (Clancy Brown), treats his wound. After the stranger subdues Percy Dolarhyde (Paul Dano), who has been terrorizing the populace, Sheriff Taggart (Keith Carradine) recognizes him as Jake Lonergan, a wanted outlaw, and tries to arrest him. Jake nearly escapes, but a mysterious woman named Ella Swenson (Olivia Wilde) knocks him out.
Percy's father, Colonel Woodrow Dolarhyde (Harrison Ford), a rich and influential cattleman, arrives with his men and demands that Percy be released to him. He also wants Jake, who stole Dolarhyde's gold. During the standoff, alien spaceships begin attacking the town, and Percy, the sheriff, and many townsfolk are abducted. Jake shoots down one ship with a device concealed in his wrist band, ending the attack.
Dolarhyde, Ella, and some townsfolk form a posse to track an alien that may have ejected from the downed ship. Jake, meanwhile, travels to an abandoned cabin, and in a flashback, recalls returning there with the gold just before he and a woman, Alice, were abducted by the aliens. Jake returns to join the posse. During the night, the alien they were tracking appears and kills Meacham.
By the next morning, most of the posse has deserted, and the others are attacked by Jake's former gang. Jake, who stole the gang's loot after their last heist, attempts to retake control, but fails. As he and the others flee, the aliens begin attacking again and Ella is seized. Jake jumps aboard the ship and attacks the alien pilot, causing the ship to crash, but Ella is mortally wounded.
Chiricahua Apaches capture the posse, blaming them for the alien attacks. As Ella's body is dumped on a fire, she is fully resurrected. Ella is actually an alien who traveled to Earth to help resist the invaders after they destroyed her homeworld. The aliens, who have been abducting humans to perform experiments on, are also mining gold to power their machines. They are not invulnerable, however: Jake's gauntlet weapon can kill them, as well as stabbing and shooting, though the creatures are far stronger and more durable than humans and have superior weapons. Ella claims Jake holds the secret to the aliens' whereabouts and says they must stop them before they exterminate all life on the planet. After drinking the Indians' medicinal brew, Jake recalls that Alice died in an alien experiment, but he escaped, inadvertently stealing the alien weapon. He can also remember the aliens' hidden location.
Armed with this knowledge, the group, now led by Colonel Dolarhyde, prepares to attack the aliens' grounded mothership. Jake returns to his old gang and persuades them to join the fight. In a sneak attack, the humans breach the spaceship, forcing the aliens into a ground battle. Jake and Ella board the ship and free the captives, but Jake is captured. Dolarhyde rescues him and both men escape the ship after killing the alien leader. As the remaining aliens are taking off in their damaged craft, Ella sacrifices herself, destroying the ship using Jake's gauntlet.
Jake's memory partially returns, and some abducted townsfolk can recall their past, while others, including Percy Dolarhyde, cannot. Still a wanted man, Jake decides to leave; the sheriff and Dolarhyde say they will claim that he was killed. The citizens intend to rebuild the town with the expectation that the newly discovered gold mine will soon bring many new settlers.


i said=

"This film is a film that is fun and to me it was very funny . you should watch it at the cinema now."

what i wore on that day

peace's jeans / levi's belt / cardigan without sleeves / b.u.m shoes

berbuka puasa at Hotel Allson Klana , Nilai

here there are...

iqah, me , kamil n amy

cuba nak buat macam kamen rider di bawah .....tehehe

 bila kawan my dad datang kat meja ni, n nampak makanan kitaorang ...he said
" datang jauh-jauh makan kicap je :D"

tehehe,dah tu je kuah yang fiera makan (sebenranya ada kuah lain,tapi kuah kicap is the best) ...but pencuci mulut dia memang superb

group yang menghiburkan orang ramai di kala orang sedang menikmati makanan
kakak kat atas tu memang sedap bebeno dia nyanyi, kalah penyanyi lain,
memang best sambil makan dengar lagu, macam nak nyanyi sekali je.....tehehehehe

top from old blossom / unbranded maxi skirt / unbranded love belt

*kami semua pakai top from the old blossom box store
click here kalau nak tengok apa yang kitaorang beli=